You were sprouting
in my blood.. in my heart!!
The way you make me express
The way you make me smile
Oh it's splendid, the way you drive me crazy!
just a beat or two
into my ears
And all I need to do
is close my eyes
and I feel you.. flowing in my blood!
You give me a high, a real mad high..
For the moment you take me away
to a completely different world
And I don't feel like coming back
till the flow you give me remains!
But then..
just in a moment
you disappeared.. saying you'll take long to
come back...
Just in a moment
all dreams shattered, everything around
turned dark
But hey.. I won't let you go, no no!
I will wait for you to be back
I'll do everything to bring you back
and then again
You'll take me to that other world..
Till then, I would just say
oh dancing.. I miss you!!
~ Plabita Borthakur