The World Around Me

broken heart girl

The world around me often falls apart,
it simply fails to impart -

Any sense of glory and aplomb,
At best, it remains a ticking bomb.
One which I fear will blow me to bits,
Fragmented to frame a truth without benefits.

The world around me often falls apart,
Always at the tip of a dart.

It is in ruins that I find myself,
Depraved of a singular notion of the "self"
In the ruins of the past,
I see the foundation bicker, at last.
I learn a humble lesson or two,
On errors defined falsely as "too few"

The world around me often falls apart,
Devastatingly aiming for a brand new start.

I yearn for the experience of a world yet to be born,
While living along the frayed edges of a paper - torn.
I have seen myself through many faces,
My mind has traversed to a thousand places.
I bare yet, the same set of eyes,
My visions change, reality seldom complies.
Interrupted by chattering, from a dream like trance,
Cretins yammering on of a priestly stance.

The world around me often falls apart,
Imploring me to finally depart.